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Gene Review

ama-1  -  Protein AMA-1

Caenorhabditis elegans

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High impact information on ama-1

  • By contrast with ama-1, rpc-1 was not deleted by mDf4 or larger deficiencies examined, indicating that these genes are no closer than 150 kb [1].
  • Northern (RNA) blotting and DNA sequencing revealed that ama-1 spans 10 kb, is punctuated by 11 introns, and encodes a 5.9-kb mRNA [1].
  • RNA polymerase II isolated from ama-1/+ heterozygotes contains equal proportions of two components, corresponding in alpha-amanitin sensitivity to the enzymes from DR432 and wild type [2].
  • To determine whether any early transcripts are required for normal cleavage-stage patterning, we blocked transcription in embryos by injecting hermaphrodite parental gonads with RNA antisense to the ama-1 gene, which encodes the large subunit of RNA polymerase II [3].
  • However, steady-state levels of ama-1 mRNA are directly proportional to gene dosage [4].

Biological context of ama-1


Other interactions of ama-1

  • The amanitin-binding subunit of RNA polymerase II in Caenorhabditis elegans is encoded by the ama-1 gene, located approximately 0.05 map unit to the right of dpy-13 IV [6].


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