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Gene Review

RpII215  -  RNA polymerase II 215kD subunit

Drosophila melanogaster

Synonyms: 8WG16, CG1554, CTD, DNA-directed RNA polymerase II subunit RPB1, DNA-directed RNA polymerase III largest subunit, ...
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Disease relevance of RpII215

  • Segments of the amino acid sequence predicted by the only long open reading frame of the RpII215 gene transcript display striking homology with corresponding segments of the beta subunit of E. coli RNA polymerase [1].
  • In general, our phage display method is faster, easier, and cheaper than the construction of overlapping fusion proteins or the use of synthetic peptides, especially in cases where the antigen is a large polypeptide such as the 215 kDa subunit of eukaryotic RNA polymerase II [2].
  • Using previously cloned P element sequences as a hybridization probe we have isolated a hybrid lambda phage clone carrying a 10 kb genomic DNA fragment containing a 1.3 kb P element insert and flanking sequences from the RpII locus [3].
  • The adenovirus EIA and pseudorabies virus immediate early (IE) proteins induce transcription from transfected viral and nonviral genes transcribed by RNA polymerase II (class II genes) [4].
  • The predicted amino acid sequence of the vaccinia 147-kDa subunit shows extensive homology with the largest subunit of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase, yeast RNA polymerases II and III, and Drosophila RNA polymerase II [5].

High impact information on RpII215

  • H3.3 replacement occurred prominently at sites of abundant RNA polymerase II and methylated H3 Lys4 throughout the genome and was enhanced on the dosage-compensated male X chromosome [6].
  • Protein-DNA cross-linking of cultured Drosophila cells has shown that, in vivo, prior to the induction of heat shock, there is approximately one molecule of RNA polymerase II associated with the promoter region of the major heat shock gene, hsp70 [7].
  • As demonstrated here, two polyadenylated jockey transcripts detected at different stages of Drosophila ontogenesis and in cell cultures have the same length as genomic copies of jockey and correspond to the strand containing ORFs. alpha-amanitin experiments indicate that jockey is transcribed by RNA polymerase II [8].
  • Like RNA polymerase II, topoisomerase I is recruited to heat-shock genes during the heat-shock response [9].
  • The non-P sequences in this clone (lambda DmRpII-1) hybridize to polytene chromosome band region 10C, the cytogenetic location of RpIIC4, and revertants which lose the lethal RNA polymerase II mutation also lose P element sequences from the locus [3].

Chemical compound and disease context of RpII215


Biological context of RpII215

  • DNA sequence analysis of RpII215, the gene that encodes the Mr215,000 subunit of RNA polymerase II (EC in Drosophila melanogaster, reveals that the 3'-terminal exon includes a region encoding a C-terminal domain composed of 42 repeats of a seven-residue amino acid consensus sequence, Tyr-Ser-Pro-Thr-Ser-Pro-Ser [11].
  • We have mapped a number of mutations at the DNA sequence level in genes encoding the largest (RpII215) and second-largest (RpII140) subunits of Drosophila melanogaster RNA polymerase II [12].
  • Nucleotide variation in an 8.1-kb fragment encompassing the RpII215 gene, which encodes the largest subunit of the RNA polymerase II complex, is analyzed in a sample of 11 chromosomes from a natural population of Drosophila subobscura [13].
  • Another mutant phenotype is caused by certain RpII215 alleles, including all class I alleles [14].
  • Two mutations in the gene, RpII215, were analyzed to determine their effects on cell differentiation and proliferation [15].

Anatomical context of RpII215

  • Using a cell-free system to reconstitute chromatin with increased histone acetylation levels, we directly tested for a causal role of histone acetylation in transcription by RNA pol II [16].
  • Thus, even in the presence of known transcriptional activators, RNAP II dependent gene expression is actively repressed in early germ cells [17].
  • Our results indicate that p255 represents a highly phosphorylated form of RNA polymerase II largest subunit physically associated with spliceosomes and possibly involved in coupling transcription to RNA processing [18].
  • In mouse and Drosophila cultured cells the electrophoretic mobility of p255, faster in the latter species, was identical to that of the hyperphosphorylated form of RNA polymerase II largest subunit (IIo) [18].
  • The nuclear matrix protein p255 is a highly phosphorylated form of RNA polymerase II largest subunit which associates with spliceosomes [18].

Associations of RpII215 with chemical compounds

  • Class I alleles, including Ubl, C4, C11, JH1, and WJK2, enhance Ubx when heterozygous with class II alleles, which include wild-type RpII215 [14].
  • Surprisingly, the density of transcribing Pol II and Pol II progression through hsp70 in vivo are nearly normal in flavopiridol-treated cells [19].
  • In addition, mutational analyses revealed that several tryptophan residues in MTAD are important for the interaction with Pol II and transactivation [20].
  • Twenty one percent of the iDNA clones that have detectable transcriptionally engaged Pol II appear to be paused, in that they display sarkosyl-stimulated trancription in a nuclear run-on transcription assay [21].
  • Lastly, the recovery of RNA polymerase II largest subunit from HeLa splicing mixtures was compromised by EDTA, which prevents the interaction of p255 with splicing complexes and inhibits splicing [18].

Physical interactions of RpII215

  • Ubl displays a complex series of interactions with loci other than Ubx and elicits expression of specific mutant phenotypes when it is heterozygous in trans with certain nonallelic deficiencies and recessive mutations [22].

Enzymatic interactions of RpII215

  • As the kinase subunit of TFIIH, Cdk7 participates in basal transcription by phosphorylating the carboxy-terminal domain of the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II [23].

Regulatory relationships of RpII215


Other interactions of RpII215


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of RpII215


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