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Gene Review

Dok3  -  docking protein 3

Mus musculus

Synonyms: AI450713, DOK-L, Docking protein 3, Dokl, Downstream of tyrosine kinase 3, ...
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High impact information on Dok3


Biological context of Dok3


Anatomical context of Dok3

  • Finally, overexpression of DOKL in NIH 3T3 cells inhibits the transforming activity of v-Abl [3].
  • The DOKL gene is predominantly expressed in bone marrow, spleen, and lung, although low-level expression of the RNA can also be detected in other tissues [3].

Associations of Dok3 with chemical compounds


Other interactions of Dok3

  • Overexpression of DOKL, but not p62(dok), suppresses v-Abl-induced mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase activation but has no effect on constitutively activated Ras- and epidermal growth factor-induced MAP kinase activation [3].
  • In the absence of Dok-3, the localization of the inhibitory phosphatase SHIP-1 to the plasma membrane is intact while its phosphorylation is compromised, suggesting that Dok-3 could function to facilitate or sustain the activation of SHIP-1 [4].


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