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Gene Review

lilli  -  lilliputian

Drosophila melanogaster

Synonyms: 154454_at, 189Y, AF4/FMR2 family member 4, AFF4, BEST:GH09955, ...
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High impact information on lilli

  • Our results indicate that lilli represents a novel pair-rule gene that acts in cytoskeleton regulation, segmentation and morphogenesis [1].
  • Embryos lacking maternal lilli expression show specific defects in the establishment of a functional cytoskeleton during cellularization, and exhibit a pair-rule segmentation phenotype [1].
  • In addition, loss of lilli in adult photoreceptor and bristle cells results in a significant decrease in cell size [1].
  • In contrast to other factors identified by this screen, lilli appears to have no role in mediating either the establishment or maintenance of engrailed (en) repression by Runt [2].
  • Taken together, the genetic and phylogenetic data suggest that lilli may be an activator of dpp expression in embryonic dorsal-ventral patterning and wing development [3].

Anatomical context of lilli

  • We identified lilli in a genetic screen based on the suppression of a lethal phenotype that is associated with ectopic expression of the transcription factor encoded by the segmentation gene runt in the blastoderm embryo [2].


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