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Gene Review

rk  -  rickets

Drosophila melanogaster

Synonyms: BG:DS00180.13, CG8930, CT25644, DLGR-2, DLGR2, ...
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High impact information on rk

  • Four intron positions coincide with the intron positions of the three mammalian glycoprotein hormone receptors and have the same intron phasing, showing that DLGR-2 is evolutionarily related to these mammalian receptors [1].
  • Molecular cloning, genomic organization, developmental regulation, and a knock-out mutant of a novel leu-rich repeats-containing G protein-coupled receptor (DLGR-2) from Drosophila melanogaster [1].
  • The DLGR-2 gene is >18.6 kb pairs long and contains 15 exons and 14 introns [1].
  • The DLGR-2 gene is located at position 34E-F on the left arm of the second chromosome and is expressed in embryos and pupae but not in larvae and adult flies [1].
  • Drosophila molting neurohormone bursicon is a heterodimer and the natural agonist of the orphan receptor DLGR2 [2].

Associations of rk with chemical compounds

  • Sequencing of rickets mutants and STS mapping of deficiencies confirmed that rickets encodes the glycoprotein hormone receptor DLGR2 [3].


  1. Molecular cloning, genomic organization, developmental regulation, and a knock-out mutant of a novel leu-rich repeats-containing G protein-coupled receptor (DLGR-2) from Drosophila melanogaster. Eriksen, K.K., Hauser, F., Schiøtt, M., Pedersen, K.M., Søndergaard, L., Grimmelikhuijzen, C.J. Genome Res. (2000) [Pubmed]
  2. Drosophila molting neurohormone bursicon is a heterodimer and the natural agonist of the orphan receptor DLGR2. Mendive, F.M., Van Loy, T., Claeysen, S., Poels, J., Williamson, M., Hauser, F., Grimmelikhuijzen, C.J., Vassart, G., Vanden Broeck, J. FEBS Lett. (2005) [Pubmed]
  3. Mutations in the Drosophila glycoprotein hormone receptor, rickets, eliminate neuropeptide-induced tanning and selectively block a stereotyped behavioral program. Baker, J.D., Truman, J.W. J. Exp. Biol. (2002) [Pubmed]
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