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Gene Review

Lim3  -  CG10699 gene product from transcript...

Drosophila melanogaster

Synonyms: CG10699, CG15174, Dmel\CG10699, Lim-3A, l(2)37Bd, ...
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Disease relevance of Lim3

  • We find that beat Ic genetically interacts with islet and Lim3 in the TN motoneuron subclass and can also rescue the TN fasciculation defects observed in islet and Lim3 mutants [1].

High impact information on Lim3

  • We show that Drosophila lim3 is expressed by a specific subset of islet-expressing motor neurons and that mutating or misexpressing lim3 switches motor-neuron projections predictably [2].
  • We show that dHb9 regulates neuronal fate by restricting expression of Lim3 and Even-skipped (Eve), two homeodomain (HD) proteins required for development of distinct neuronal classes [3].
  • These results suggest that in the TN motoneuron context, Islet and Lim3 may specify axon target selection through the actions of IgSF call-adhesion molecules [1].
  • We find that the class III POU protein, Drifter (Ventral veinless), is co-expressed with Islet and Lim3 specifically in the ISNb motoneuron subclass [1].
  • In Drosophila three LIM homeobox genes, apterous, lim3 and isl, have been shown to control axon pathfinding of subsets of neurons within the embryo [4].

Anatomical context of Lim3

  • Our results provide evidence that lim3 and islet constitute a combinatorial code that generates distinct motor-neuron identities [2].


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