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Gene Review

fl(2)d  -  female lethal d

Drosophila melanogaster

Synonyms: CG6315, Dmel\CG6315, Pre-mRNA-splicing regulator female-lethal(2)D, dFL(2)D, v(2)k16105
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High impact information on fl(2)d

  • Moreover, fl(2)d homozygous female larvae express the Sxl transcripts characteristic of males [1].
  • The Drosophila fl(2)d gene, required for female-specific splicing of Sxl and tra pre-mRNAs, encodes a novel nuclear protein with a HQ-rich domain [2].
  • Third, all of the phenotypes associated with fl(2)d mutations can be rescued by expression of this cDNA in transgenic flies [2].
  • We have used P-element-mediated mutagenesis to identify the fl(2)d gene [2].
  • Significant reductions of mI and mII inclusion were also observed in heterozygotes for loss-of-function alleles of virilizer, fl(2)d, and crooked neck [3].

Biological context of fl(2)d

  • The products of virilizer and fl(2)d are also required for Sxl autoregulation at the level of splicing; crooked neck encodes a protein with structural similarities to yeast-splicing factors Prp39p and Prp42p [3].

Anatomical context of fl(2)d

  • The results indicated that fl(2)d mutant germ cells cannot give rise to functional oocytes, while they can form functional sperm [4].

Other interactions of fl(2)d

  • The Drosophila gene female-lethal(2)d [fl(2)d] interacts genetically with the master regulatory gene for sex determination, Sex-lethal [2].
  • We also found that none of the three genes, snf, virilizer, and fl(2)d, which when mutated alter the female-specific processing of Sxl-Pm transcripts, alter the generation of the early splice [5].
  • Females double heterozygous for fl(2)d and snf1621 are fully viable and fertile. fl(2)d2 in heterozygosis partially suppresses the phenotype of female germ cells homozygous for snf1621; however, this is not the case with the fl(2)d1 mutation [4].
  • In this report we analyze whether the gene fl(2)d is also required for the sex-specific splicing of both Tra and Dsx pre-mRNAs [6].


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