Gene Review:
fl(2)d - female lethal d
Drosophila melanogaster
CG6315, Dmel\CG6315, Pre-mRNA-splicing regulator female-lethal(2)D, dFL(2)D, v(2)k16105
- The Drosophila melanogaster fl(2)d gene is needed for the female-specific splicing of Sex-lethal RNA. Granadino, B., Campuzano, S., Sánchez, L. EMBO J. (1990)
- The Drosophila fl(2)d gene, required for female-specific splicing of Sxl and tra pre-mRNAs, encodes a novel nuclear protein with a HQ-rich domain. Penalva, L.O., Ruiz, M.F., Ortega, A., Granadino, B., Vicente, L., Segarra, C., Valcárcel, J., Sánchez, L. Genetics (2000)
- Trans-acting factors required for inclusion of regulated exons in the Ultrabithorax mRNAs of Drosophila melanogaster. Burnette, J.M., Hatton, A.R., Lopez, A.J. Genetics (1999)
- Evidence of a dual function in fl(2)d, a gene needed for Sex-lethal expression in Drosophila melanogaster. Granadino, B., San Juán, A., Santamaria, P., Sánchez, L. Genetics (1992)
- Splicing of the drosophila Sex-lethal early transcripts involves exon skipping that is independent of Sex-lethal protein. Horabin, J.I., Schedl, P. RNA (1996)
- The gene fl(2)d is needed for the sex-specific splicing of transformer pre-mRNA but not for double-sex pre-mRNA in Drosophila melanogaster. Granadino, B., Penalva, L.O., Sánchez, L. Mol. Gen. Genet. (1996)