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Gene Review

crtD  -  Methoxyneurosporene dehydrogenase

Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1

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Disease relevance of crtD


High impact information on crtD

  • Inactivation of the crtD gene indicated that the two crt genes are cotranscribed and that they are involved not only in the hydroxyspheroidene biosynthesis pathway as in Rhodobacter sphaeroides and R. capsulatus, but also in the spirilloxanthin biosynthesis pathway [2].
  • A region in the 3' end of crtD which affects bacteriochlorophyll biosynthesis was discovered, and CrtA was found to possess a proline-rich C-terminal region containing a repeated (Ala-Pro)n motif [4].
  • The transition Crt(+)----Crt(-)----Crt+, is strain-dependent, since Crt+ clones were not detected in ethyl methane sulphonate (EMS)-induced CrtD- mutants of two other strains of R. sphaeroides (WS22 and RS630) which harbour a recombinant plasmid containing the crtD gene from a spontaneous CrtD- mutant of strain 2.4.1 of R. sphaeroides [5].
  • The crtD gene is not functional in green mutants as a consequence of the spontaneous addition of a guanosine in a stretch of seven guanosines located in the 5'-terminal coding region of this gene originating a frameshift [5].
  • The translated open reading frame of the crtD gene of R. sphaeroides has identified a polypeptide of 495 amino acids which shares a 56% sequence identity with the same CrtD protein of R. capsulatus [1].

Chemical compound and disease context of crtD


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