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NOX4  -  NADPH oxidase 4

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High impact information on NOX4

  • In contrast, pulsatile flow downregulated both gp91phox and Nox4 mRNA expression (by 1.8+/-0.2-fold and 3.0+/-0.12-fold, respectively), with an accompanying reduction in O2-* production, reduction in the extent of LDL modification (51+/-12% for LDL- and 30+/-7% for LDL2-), and monocyte/BAEC binding [1].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of NOX4

  • There was no significant difference in the expression of Nox2 or Nox4 mRNA or protein detected by Western blot analysis [2].


  1. Pulsatile versus oscillatory shear stress regulates NADPH oxidase subunit expression: implication for native LDL oxidation. Hwang, J., Ing, M.H., Salazar, A., Lassègue, B., Griendling, K., Navab, M., Sevanian, A., Hsiai, T.K. Circ. Res. (2003) [Pubmed]
  2. Cytosolic NADPH may regulate differences in basal Nox oxidase-derived superoxide generation in bovine coronary and pulmonary arteries. Gupte, S.A., Kaminski, P.M., Floyd, B., Agarwal, R., Ali, N., Ahmad, M., Edwards, J., Wolin, M.S. Am. J. Physiol. Heart Circ. Physiol. (2005) [Pubmed]
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