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Gene Review

scrt  -  scratch

Drosophila melanogaster

Synonyms: BcDNA:RH71479, CG1130, Dmel\CG1130, Scrt, anon-EST:Liang-1.31, ...
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High impact information on scrt

  • The Drosophila scratch (scrt) gene is expressed in most or all neuronal precursor cells and encodes a predicted zinc finger transcription factor closely related to the product of the mesoderm determination gene snail (sna) [1].
  • Conversely, ectopic expression of a scrt transgene during embryonic and adult development leads to the production of supernumerary neurons [1].
  • scratch, a pan-neural gene encoding a zinc finger protein related to snail, promotes neuronal development [1].
  • The Drosophila pan-neural genes deadpan (dpn) and scratch (scrt) are expressed in most or all developing neural precursor cells of the central nervous system (CNS) and peripheral nervous system (PNS) [2].
  • We have also identified CNS- and PNS-specific subelements of the scrt enhancer [2].

Other interactions of scrt

  • Deletion analysis of the dpn and scrt PNS-specific subelements reveals that PNS specificity of these two evolutionarily unrelated enhancers is achieved in part by repression of CNS expression [2].


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