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Gene Review

CSK  -  c-src tyrosine kinase

Gallus gallus

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High impact information on CSK

  • Cloning and sequencing of chicken C-terminal Src kinase (CSK), a tyrosine kinase that phosphorylates the regulatory C-terminal tyrosine residue present on cytoplasmic tyrosine kinases of the Src family, demonstrated a high degree of interspecies conservation as well as src homology 2 and 3 domains N-terminal to the kinase domain [1].
  • Since complex formation between c-Src and CSK seemed a likely regulatory step in the control of c-Src kinase activity, such an association was investigated by immunoprecipitation and Western blotting as well as intracellular localization studies [1].
  • On the basis of indirect evidence, we previously suggested that this is caused by partial dephosphorylation at Tyr-527, the phosphorylation of which suppresses c-Src kinase activity [2].
  • Unlike the highly homologous cellular c-Src kinase, a C-terminal deletion of the regulatory tail and numerous point mutations make the viral kinase uncontrollable [3].
  • Notably, the deficiency of CSK, a negative regulator of Src-family PTK, promoted ionomycin-induced apoptosis of DT-40 cells [4].

Biological context of CSK


Associations of CSK with chemical compounds


  1. Molecular cloning and expression of chicken C-terminal Src kinase: lack of stable association with c-Src protein. Sabe, H., Knudsen, B., Okada, M., Nada, S., Nakagawa, H., Hanafusa, H. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. (1992) [Pubmed]
  2. Myristylation is required for Tyr-527 dephosphorylation and activation of pp60c-src in mitosis. Bagrodia, S., Taylor, S.J., Shalloway, D. Mol. Cell. Biol. (1993) [Pubmed]
  3. Oncogenic mutations reduce the stability of SRC kinase. Falsone, S.F., Leptihn, S., Osterauer, A., Haslbeck, M., Buchner, J. J. Mol. Biol. (2004) [Pubmed]
  4. SYK and LYN mediate B-cell receptor-independent calcium-induced apoptosis in DT-40 lymphoma B-cells. Zhu, D.M., Tibbles, H.E., Vassilev, A.O., Uckun, F.M. Leuk. Lymphoma (2002) [Pubmed]
  5. 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 regulates pp60c-src activity and expression of a pp60c-src activating phosphatase. Chappel, J., Ross, F.P., Abu-Amer, Y., Shaw, A., Teitelbaum, S.L. J. Cell. Biochem. (1997) [Pubmed]
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