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Gene Review

Src  -  SRC proto-oncogene, non-receptor tyrosine...

Rattus norvegicus

Synonyms: Proto-oncogene c-Src, Proto-oncogene tyrosine-protein kinase Src, p60-Src, pp60c-src
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Disease relevance of Src


Psychiatry related information on Src

  • Lateral hypothalamic signaling mechanisms underlying feeding stimulation: differential contributions of Src family tyrosine kinases to feeding triggered either by NMDA injection or by food deprivation [6].

High impact information on Src

  • The G betagamma-responsive ERK activation induced by H2O2 is independent of ligands binding to Gi-coupled receptors, but requires phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase and Src activation [7].
  • Transmembrane phosphoprotein Cbp regulates the activities of Src-family tyrosine kinases [8].
  • NMDA-receptor-mediated whole-cell currents and NMDA-receptor single-channel activity were increased by raising [Na+]i and channel activity decreased upon lowering [Na+]i; therefore, the activity of NMDA channels tracks changes in [Na+]i. We found that the sensitivity of the channel to Na+ was set by a Src kinase that is associated with the channel [9].
  • It achieves this, at least in part, by binding and activating one of the non-receptor tyrosine kinases, pp60c-src, pp62c-yes or pp59c-fyn (reviewed in refs 2 and 3) [10].
  • Thus, Src activation is necessary and sufficient for inducing LTP and may function by up-regulating NMDA receptors [11].

Chemical compound and disease context of Src

  • In the cells treated with CGS21680, PI3K activation was prevented either by inhibiting adenylate cyclase and PKA with, respectively, 2,5-dideoxyadenosine and H89 or by blocking Galphai-protein and Src tyrosine kinase with, respectively, pertussis toxin and PP2 [12].
  • The large (130kDa), multi-domain Cas molecule contains an SH3 domain, a Src-binding domain, a serine-rich protein interaction region, and a C-terminal region that participates in protein interactions implicated in antiestrogen resistance in breast cancer [13].
  • Langendorff rat heart preparations were exposed to 50 microM ouabain to produce positive inotropy without toxicity, and assayed for Src kinase, protein kinase C, and extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 (ERK(1/2)) [14].
  • Upregulation of c-Src signaling may be important in the profibrotic and proinflammatory actions of aldosterone in this genetic model of hypertension [15].
  • Here, we describe a novel class of Src inhibitors, substituted 5,7-diphenyl-pyrrolo[2,3-d]pyrimidines, and characterize one of them, CGP77675, in vitro and in models of bone resorption in vivo [16].

Biological context of Src


Anatomical context of Src


Associations of Src with chemical compounds


Physical interactions of Src

  • DPP IV coimmunoprecipitated with the cellular tyrosine kinase Src (c-Src) with maximal association also observed after 2 min following insulin injection [31].
  • Indeed, the formation of p-FAK/c-Src protein complex, but not their association with beta1-integrin, was stimulated during T suppression-induced germ cell loss [32].
  • Infection of cardiomyocytes with an adenovirus expressing a mutant Pyk2 which lacked its kinase domain or its ability to bind to c-Src, eliminated ET-1- and PE-induced hypertrophic responses [33].
  • The purified caveolin-1 binds c-Src, suppressing its autophosphorylation [34].
  • Coimmunoprecipitation studies revealed decreased binding of ZO-1 and increased binding of c-Src to Cx43 at low pHi [35].

Enzymatic interactions of Src

  • In the present investigation, we report that tamalin possesses a typical immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif (ITAM), which enables Syk kinase to be recruited and phosphorylated by the Src family kinases [36].
  • Tyr(124) is phosphorylated by Src in vitro; in whole cells, Y124F Kv2.1 is significantly less phosphorylated by Src and loses most of its ability to bind the D245A substrate-trapping mutant of cyt-PTPepsilon [37].
  • Also, addition of c-Src and [(32)P]ATP phosphorylated the synthesized peptide corresponding to amino acid sequence 333-362 of the COOH terminus of ROMK1 [38].
  • Upon E2 treatment, Src kinase is tyrosine phosphorylated, which, in turn, stimulates Src kinase to phosphorylate caveolin-1 [39].
  • Src family kinases have been shown to phosphorylate PLC-gamma 1 and to be activated by G protein-coupled receptors [40].

Regulatory relationships of Src

  • These data indicate that Ang II induces Ca2+-dependent transactivation of the EGF receptor which serves as a scaffold for pre-activated c-Src and for downstream adaptors, leading to MAPK activation in VSMC [41].
  • At the mechanistic level, Ca(2+) chelator (1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid tetrakis(acetoxymethyl ester)), phosphatidylinositol-phospholipase C inhibitor (U73122), or Src inhibitor (PP2) attenuated the PGE(2)-induced Fn expression [42].
  • The involvement of Src-tyrosine kinase activity was demonstrated by detection of increased c-Src phosphorylation in response to E(2) and by blockade of E(2)-induced ERK1/2 activation by inhibition of Src-family tyrosine kinase activity [43].
  • Together our results suggest that PSD-95 may be important for localizing and/or regulating multiple Src protein tyrosine kinases at the NMDA receptor multiprotein complex [44].
  • The c-Src inhibitor PP2 inhibited DPP IV phosphorylation [31].
  • Using a thermoactivatable mutant of v-Src, we show that at the permissive temperature, annexin 2 becomes phosphorylated and colocalizes with activated v-Src and focal adhesion kinase both at the plasma membrane and in a Rab11-positive compartment of the endosomal pathway [45].

Other interactions of Src


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Src

  • Activated MAPK, Pyk2, and c-Src amounts were measured by Western blot analysis [48].
  • By immunoelectron microscopy, we demonstrate that, unlike Src, the Src-related kinases are associated with electron-dense cytoplasmic domains and plasma membrane domains that correspond in size and frequency to endocytotic vesicles and coated pits [49].
  • Co-immunoprecipitation identified an association between the channel protein and Src [50].
  • Immunoblot using clone 28, a monoclonal antibody specific for the active form of Src kinases, demonstrated increased active Src expression in the injured rat kidney 6 hours after reperfusion with peak activation at 12 hours [51].
  • Immunohistochemistry using clone 28 demonstrated that active Src was preferentially expressed in the S3 segment of the proximal tubule in reperfused kidney, where it is not normally expressed [51].


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