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Gene Review

GFRA4  -  GDNF family receptor alpha 4

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: GDNF family receptor alpha-4, GDNF receptor alpha-4, GDNFR-alpha-4, GFR-alpha-4, Persephin receptor
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Disease relevance of GFRA4


High impact information on GFRA4

  • PSPN, but not other GDNF family ligands, promotes the survival of cultured sympathetic neurons microinjected with GFRA4 [2].
  • We identified different splice forms of human GFRA4 mRNA encoding for two glycosylphosphatidylinositol-linked and one putative soluble isoform that were predominantly expressed in the thyroid gland [2].
  • Our data suggest a model of wild-type GFR alpha 4 isoform expression that includes both activating and inhibiting co-receptors for RET [1].
  • The second was a 7 bp insertion, which results in a change in reading frame for all three GFR alpha 4 isoforms [1].
  • One of these was a single-base substitution upstream of the GFR alpha 4 coding region, where it may alter gene expression [1].

Biological context of GFRA4


Other interactions of GFRA4

  • This would cause a relative shift in membrane bound and soluble forms of GFR alpha 4, which would significantly alter the formation of RET signalling complexes [1].


  1. A model for GFR alpha 4 function and a potential modifying role in multiple endocrine neoplasia 2. Vanhorne, J.B., Andrew, S.D., Harrison, K.J., Taylor, S.A., Thomas, B., McDonald, T.J., Ainsworth, P.J., Mulligan, L.M. Oncogene (2005) [Pubmed]
  2. Human glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor receptor alpha 4 is the receptor for persephin and is predominantly expressed in normal and malignant thyroid medullary cells. Lindahl, M., Poteryaev, D., Yu, L., Arumae, U., Timmusk, T., Bongarzone, I., Aiello, A., Pierotti, M.A., Airaksinen, M.S., Saarma, M. J. Biol. Chem. (2001) [Pubmed]
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