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Gene Review

CACNG1  -  calcium channel, voltage-dependent, gamma...

Homo sapiens

Synonyms: CACNLG, Dihydropyridine-sensitive L-type, skeletal muscle calcium channel subunit gamma, Voltage-dependent calcium channel gamma-1 subunit
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High impact information on CACNG1

  • We recently identified a novel marker within the gamma-subunit locus (CACNLG) at band 17q24, and since both markers are within the 17q11.2-q24 region reported to contain the MHS2 locus, we tested them for linkage in MHS families whose disease trait has been shown not to co-segregate with markers for the RYR1 region on chromosome 19q13 [1].
  • Because gene duplication often generates paralogs that remain in close syntenic proximity (tandem duplication) or are copied onto related daughter chromosomes (chromosome or whole-genome duplication), we hypothesized that the known positions of CACNG1 and CACNG2 could be used to predict the likely locations of additional gamma subunit genes [2].
  • Molecular characterization of the gene encoding the gamma subunit of the human skeletal muscle 1,4-dihydropyridine-sensitive Ca2+ channel (CACNLG), cDNA sequence, gene structure, and chromosomal location [3].
  • We developed sensitive RT-PCR assays and examined the expression profile of each member of the gamma subunit gene family, CACNG1-CACNG8 [4].
  • The CACNG1 gene on chromosome 17q24 encodes an integral membrane protein that was originally isolated as the regulatory gamma subunit of voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels from skeletal muscle [4].

Biological context of CACNG1


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of CACNG1


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