Gene Review:
AAO2 - aldehyde oxidase 2
Arabidopsis thaliana
ALDEHYDE OXIDASE 2, AO3, AOgamma, Aldehyde oxidase gamma, Arabidopsis thaliana aldehyde oxidase 2, ...
- Molecular cloning and characterization of aldehyde oxidases in Arabidopsis thaliana. Sekimoto, H., Seo, M., Kawakami, N., Komano, T., Desloire, S., Liotenberg, S., Marion-Poll, A., Caboche, M., Kamiya, Y., Koshiba, T. Plant Cell Physiol. (1998)
- Production of homo- and hetero-dimeric isozymes from two aldehyde oxidase genes of Arabidopsis thaliana. Akaba, S., Seo, M., Dohmae, N., Takio, K., Sekimoto, H., Kamiya, Y., Furuya, N., Komano, T., Koshiba, T. J. Biochem. (1999)
- Functional expression of two Arabidopsis aldehyde oxidases in the yeast Pichia pastoris. Koiwai, H., Akaba, S., Seo, M., Komano, T., Koshiba, T. J. Biochem. (2000)