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Gene Review

CAP1  -  cyclase associated protein 1

Arabidopsis thaliana

Synonyms: ATCAP1, CAP 1, T4L20.70, T4L20_70
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High impact information on ATCAP1

  • Therefore, AtCAP1 may play a functional role in actin cytoskeleton networking that is essential for proper cell elongation and division [1].
  • Tobacco suspension-cultured cells (Bright Yellow 2) overexpressing AtCAP1 exhibited defects in actin filaments and were unable to undergo mitosis [1].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of ATCAP1


  1. Arabidopsis CAP regulates the actin cytoskeleton necessary for plant cell elongation and division. Barrero, R.A., Umeda, M., Yamamura, S., Uchimiya, H. Plant Cell (2002) [Pubmed]
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