Gene Review:
ZIC4 - Zic family member 4
Homo sapiens
Zinc finger protein ZIC 4, Zinc finger protein of the cerebellum 4
- Heterozygous deletion of the linked genes ZIC1 and ZIC4 is involved in Dandy-Walker malformation. Grinberg, I., Northrup, H., Ardinger, H., Prasad, C., Dobyns, W.B., Millen, K.J. Nat. Genet. (2004)
- Cerebellar degeneration and autoimmunity to zinc-finger proteins of the cerebellum. Bataller, L., Wade, D.F., Fuller, G.N., Rosenfeld, M.R., Dalmau, J. Neurology (2002)
- Antibodies to Zic4 in paraneoplastic neurologic disorders and small-cell lung cancer. Bataller, L., Wade, D.F., Graus, F., Stacey, H.D., Rosenfeld, M.R., Dalmau, J. Neurology (2004)