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Gene Review

GCD7  -  translation initiation factor eIF2B...

Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c

Synonyms: GCD complex subunit GCD7, Guanine nucleotide exchange factor subunit GCD7, L8003.17, TIF222, Translation initiation factor eIF-2B subunit beta, ...
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High impact information on GCD7

  • Using an affinity-binding assay, we show that an eIF2B subcomplex of the GCN3, GCD7, and GCD2 subunits binds to eIF2 and has a higher affinity for eIF2(alphaP), but it lacks nucleotide-exchange activity [1].
  • This double GCD7 mutation also completely suppressed the lethal effect of expressing the mammalian eIF-2 alpha kinase dsRNA-PK in yeast cells, showing that the translational machinery had been rendered completely insensitive to phosphorylated eIF-2 [2].
  • Mutations in the GCD7 subunit of yeast guanine nucleotide exchange factor eIF-2B overcome the inhibitory effects of phosphorylated eIF-2 on translation initiation [2].
  • None of the GCD7 mutations had any detrimental effect on cell growth under nonstarvation conditions, suggesting that recycling of eIF-2 occurs efficiently in the suppressor strains [2].
  • We propose that GCD7 and GCD2 play important roles in the regulatory interaction between eIF-2 and eIF-2B and that the suppressor mutations we isolated in these genes decrease the susceptibility of eIF-2B to the inhibitory effects of phosphorylated eIF-2 without impairing the essential catalytic function of eIF-2B in translation initiation [2].

Biological context of GCD7

  • The amino acid sequence shows a high degree of similarity to that of GCD7, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae protein thought to be equivalent to mammalian eIF-2B beta [3].
  • Despite high sequence homology between NeIF2Bbeta and its yeast counterpart, the NeIF2Bbeta cDNA could not rescue the phenotype of the yeast mutant strain lacking the GCD7 gene encoding eIF2B-beta, when transferred into the mutant strain [4].

Regulatory relationships of GCD7

  • We have isolated and characterized the GCD6 and GCD7 genes and shown that their products are required to repress GCN4 translation under nonstarvation conditions [5].

Other interactions of GCD7

  • Unlike wild-type eIF2B, eIF2B complexes with mutated GCN3 or GCD7 subunits efficiently catalyzed GDP exchange using eIF2(alphaP) as a substrate [1].
  • We find that both GCD6 and GCD7 show sequence similarities to components of a high-molecular-weight complex (the GCD complex) that appears to be the yeast equivalent of translation initiation factor 2B (eIF-2B), which catalyzes GDP-GTP exchange on eIF-2 [5].
  • Evidence that GCD6 and GCD7, translational regulators of GCN4, are subunits of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor for eIF-2 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae [5].


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