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Gene Review

UFD2  -  ubiquitin-ubiquitin ligase UFD2

Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c

Synonyms: D1255, E4 ubiquitin-protein ligase UFD2, UB fusion protein 2, Ubiquitin conjugation factor E4, Ubiquitin fusion degradation protein 2, ...
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Disease relevance of UFD2

  • The two human homologues of yeast UFD2 ubiquitination factor, UBE4A and UBE4B, are located in common neuroblastoma deletion regions and are subject to mutations in tumours [1].

High impact information on UFD2

  • Cdc48-Ufd2-Rad23: the road less ubiquitinated [2]?
  • Here, we demonstrate that the UBL motif of Rad23 also binds Ufd2, an E4 enzyme essential for ubiquitin chain assembly onto its substrates [3].
  • Importantly, we also find that the ability of other UBL/UBA proteins to associate with Ufd2 correlates with their differential involvement in the UFD pathway, suggesting that UBL-mediated interactions may contribute to the substrate specificity of these adaptors [3].
  • UFD1, UFD2, and UFD4 encode previously undescribed proteins of 40, 110, and 170 kDa, respectively [4].
  • To determine the property of Ufd2, we reconstituted the UFD pathway using purified enzymes from yeast [5].

Biological context of UFD2

  • Yeast Ufd2 is functionally implicated in cell survival under stressful conditions [6].

Other interactions of UFD2

  • Mutations in the UBL of Rad23 alter its interactions with Ufd2 and the proteasome, and impair its function in the UFD proteolytic pathway [3].


  1. The two human homologues of yeast UFD2 ubiquitination factor, UBE4A and UBE4B, are located in common neuroblastoma deletion regions and are subject to mutations in tumours. Carén, H., Holmstrand, A., Sjöberg, R.M., Martinsson, T. Eur. J. Cancer (2006) [Pubmed]
  2. Cdc48-Ufd2-Rad23: the road less ubiquitinated? Bazirgan, O.A., Hampton, R.Y. Nat. Cell Biol. (2005) [Pubmed]
  3. Multiple interactions of rad23 suggest a mechanism for ubiquitylated substrate delivery important in proteolysis. Kim, I., Mi, K., Rao, H. Mol. Biol. Cell (2004) [Pubmed]
  4. A proteolytic pathway that recognizes ubiquitin as a degradation signal. Johnson, E.S., Ma, P.C., Ota, I.M., Varshavsky, A. J. Biol. Chem. (1995) [Pubmed]
  5. Definitive evidence for Ufd2-catalyzed elongation of the ubiquitin chain through Lys48 linkage. Saeki, Y., Tayama, Y., Toh-e, A., Yokosawa, H. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. (2004) [Pubmed]
  6. Ubiquitylation as a quality control system for intracellular proteins. Hatakeyama, S., Nakayama, K.I. J. Biochem. (2003) [Pubmed]
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