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Gene Review

RAD28  -  Rad28p

Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c

Synonyms: Radiation-sensitive protein 28, YD9813.08c, YDR030C
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High impact information on RAD28

  • A strain deleted of the RAD26 gene, which is known to be required for strand-specific NER in yeast, manifested delayed recovery of mRNA synthesis, whereas a rad28 mutant, which does not show defective strand-specific repair, showed normal kinetics of recovery [1].
  • Additionally, the rate of repair of the transcribed and nontranscribed strands of the yeast RPB2 gene in the rad28 mutant is identical to that observed in wild-type cells following exposure to UV light [2].
  • A rad28 null mutant does not manifest increased sensitivity to killing by UV or gamma radiation or to methyl methanesulfonate [2].


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