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Gene Review

ENA2  -  Na(+)-exporting P-type ATPase ENA2

Saccharomyces cerevisiae S288c

Synonyms: PMR2B, Sodium transport ATPase 2, YDR039C
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Disease relevance of ENA2


High impact information on ENA2

  • Two genes isolated from Schwanniomyces occidentalis, ENA1 and ENA2, encode P-type ATPases highly homologous to the Na-ATPases of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and complement the Na+ sensitivity of an S. cerevisiae mutant strain lacking its own Na-ATPases [2].
  • Here we identify two genes, PMR2B and LIC4 which, when overexpressed, suppress the cation-sensitive phenotype of yeast cells lacking calcineurin [3].

Anatomical context of ENA2

  • PMR2B encodes a Na+/Li+-specific plasma membrane pump and is similar to PMR2A, whose expression is known to be regulated by calcineurin [3].

Other interactions of ENA2

  • ENA1 and ENA2 are the first two units of a tandem array of four highly homologous genes with probably homologous functions [4].


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