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Gene Review

lef-2  -  ORF4

Epiphyas postvittana nucleopolyhedrovirus

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Disease relevance of lef-2


High impact information on lef-2

  • The open reading frame of the HearNPV lef-2 gene is 696 nucleotides long, encoding a putative protein of 232 amino acids with an M(r) of about 26 kDa [2].
  • The HearNPV lef-2 gene has a low but significant degree of amino acid sequence identity (30%) to the lef-2 genes of 15 other baculoviruses of which nine were newly determined [2].
  • The genomic location of the lef-2 genes relative to polyhedrin/granulin and the clade structure of the gene trees suggest that genome organization and gene phylogeny are useful parameters to study the evolutionary history of baculoviruses [2].
  • The baculovirus late expression factor 2 (LEF-2) is involved in DNA replication, and most likely function as a primase processivity factor [2].


  1. Baculovirus replication factor LEF-1 is a DNA primase. Mikhailov, V.S., Rohrmann, G.F. J. Virol. (2002) [Pubmed]
  2. Identification, sequence analysis and phylogeny of the lef-2 gene of Helicoverpa armigera single-nucleocapsid baculovirus. Chen, X., Ijkel, W.F., Dominy, C., de Andrade Zanotto, P.M., Hashimoto, Y., Faktor, O., Hayakawa, T., Wang, C.H., Prekumar, A., Mathavan, S., Krell, P.J., Hu, Z., Vlak, J.M. Virus Res. (1999) [Pubmed]
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