MeSH Review:
- Telemedicine in haemodialysis: a university department and two remote satellites linked together as one common workplace. Rumpsfeld, M., Arild, E., Norum, J., Breivik, E. Journal of telemedicine and telecare. (2005)
- Telemedicine and coping skills groups for Pacific Island veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder: a pilot study. Morland, L.A., Pierce, K., Wong, M.Y. Journal of telemedicine and telecare. (2004)
- User satisfaction with rehabilitation services delivered using Internet video. Hughes, G., Hudgins, B., Hooper, J.E., Wallace, B. Journal of telemedicine and telecare. (2003)
- A comparison between three electronic media and in-person learning for continuing education in physical rehabilitation. Lemaire, E., Greene, G. Journal of telemedicine and telecare. (2003)
- An exploratory survey of the applications of telemedicine in Ghana. Darkwa, O. Journal of telemedicine and telecare. (2000)
- Telemedicine and the New Children's Hospital (Royal Alexandra Hospital for Children). Manson, N. Journal of telemedicine and telecare. (1997)
- Enhancing the role public health nurses play in serving children with special health needs: an interactive videoconference on Public Law 99-457 Part H. Reiss, J., Cameon, R., Matthews, D., Shenkman, E. Public health nursing (Boston, Mass.) (1996)
- Columbia University's Informatics for Diabetes Education and Telemedicine (IDEATel) project: technical implementation. Starren, J., Hripcsak, G., Sengupta, S., Abbruscato, C.R., Knudson, P.E., Weinstock, R.S., Shea, S. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA. (2002)
- EMR based telegeriatric system. Pallawala, P.M., Lun, K.C. International journal of medical informatics. (2001)
- Telehealth. Video stars. Flood, S. The Health service journal. (2005)
- Influence of the teleradiology technology (N-ISDN and ATM) on the inter-hospital management of neurosurgical patients. Heautot, J.F., Gibaud, B., Catroux, B., Thoreux, P.H., Cordonnier, E., Scarabin, J.M., Carsin, M., Gandon, Y. Medical informatics and the Internet in medicine. (1999)