MeSH Review:
- A randomised-controlled trail examining the effects of reflexology of patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Wilkinson, I.S., Prigmore, S., Rayner, C.F. Complementary therapies in clinical practice. (2006)
- Reflexology treatment relieves symptoms of multiple sclerosis: a randomized controlled study. Siev-Ner, I., Gamus, D., Lerner-Geva, L., Achiron, A. Mult. Scler. (2003)
- High-intensity focused ultrasound energy for benign prostatic hyperplasia: clinical response at 6 months to treatment using Sonablate 200. Nakamura, K., Baba, S., Saito, S., Tachibana, M., Murai, M. J. Endourol. (1997)
- Shifts in pelvic inclination angle and parasympathetic tone produced by Rolfing soft tissue manipulation. Cottingham, J.T., Porges, S.W., Richmond, K. Physical therapy. (1988)
- The scope and limitations of treatment. An interview with Ann Lett, Principle, British School--Reflex Zone Therapy of the Feet. Lett, A. Complementary therapies in nursing & midwifery. (2001)
- 'Just the ticket': integrating massage and reflexology in practice (Part I). Dryden, S.L., Holden, S.D., Mackereth, P.A. Complementary therapies in nursing & midwifery. (1998)
- Reflexology--its place in modern healthcare. Sahai, I.C. Professional nurse (London, England) (1993)
- An ABC of alternative medicine. Reflexology. Shaw, J. Health visitor. (1987)
- Complementary therapies. Reflex zone therapy for mothers. Evans, M. Nursing times. (1990)