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High impact information on Crowns

  • In injured teeth, Notch2 was expressed in mesenchymal cells of the pulp both close to the site of injury (i.e., in the dental crown) and at a distance from it (i.e., in the dental roots), Notch3 expression was mainly associated with vascular structures, while Notch1 expression was restricted to few pulpal cells close to the lesion [1].
  • A comparison of mechanical properties of all-ceramic alumina dental crowns prepared from aqueous- and non-aqueous-based tape casting [2].
  • In this study we examined the influence of TPB on thermomechanical properties of a representative polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) ambient-cured resin used for temporary dental crowns and bridges [3].
  • OBJECTIVES: This paper describes a method of making titanium dental crowns by means of integrating laser measuring, numerical simulation and rapid prototype (RP) manufacture of wax patterns for the investment casting process [4].
  • Furthermore, with occlusal displacement of the dental crown, the space below the tooth was immediately filled with woven bone trabeculae and chondroid tissue [5].

Associations of Crowns with chemical compounds

  • A high-expansion core material containing magnesia and forsterite may be used to make all-ceramic dental crowns with porcelain-fused-to-metal body porcelains [6].

Gene context of Crowns


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  2. A comparison of mechanical properties of all-ceramic alumina dental crowns prepared from aqueous- and non-aqueous-based tape casting. Kim, D.J., Lee, M.H., Lee, D.Y., Han, J.S. J. Biomed. Mater. Res. (2000) [Pubmed]
  3. Thermomechanical investigation of poly(methylmethacrylate) containing an organobismuth radiopacifying additive. Rawls, H.R., Granier, R.J., Smid, J., Cabasso, I. J. Biomed. Mater. Res. (1996) [Pubmed]
  4. Application of laser measuring, numerical simulation and rapid prototyping to titanium dental castings. Wu, M., Tinschert, J., Augthun, M., Wagner, I., Schädlich-Stubenrauch, J., Sahm, P.R., Spiekermann, H. Dental materials : official publication of the Academy of Dental Materials. (2001) [Pubmed]
  5. Microradiographic aspects of the growing mandibular body during permanent premolar eruption in the dog. Pilipili, C.M., Goret-Nicaise, M., Dhem, A. Eur. J. Oral Sci. (1998) [Pubmed]
  6. The strengthening mechanism of a magnesia core ceramic. O'Brien, W.J., Groh, C.L., Boenke, K.M., Mora, G.P., Tien, T.Y. Dental materials : official publication of the Academy of Dental Materials. (1993) [Pubmed]
  7. Otodental syndrome. Mesaros, A.J., Basden, J.W. General dentistry. (1996) [Pubmed]
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