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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

BMP-5 deficiency alters chondrocytic activity in the mouse proximal tibial growth plate.

The role of bone morphogenetic protein-5 (BMP-5) in regulating chondrocytic activity during endochondral ossification was examined in the mouse proximal tibial growth plate. Short ear mice homozygous for the SEA/Gn point mutation in the coding region for BMP-5 (King, J. A. et al. Dev Biol 166:112122; 1994) and heterozygous long ear littermates were examined at 5 and 9 weeks of age (n = 9/group, four groups). Animals were injected with oxytetracycline to estimate the rate of growth and with bromodeoxyuridine to identify proliferative chondrocytes. Age-related changes in chondrocytic stereological and kinetic parameters were compared by image analysis of 1-microm-thick growth plate sections. The number of proliferative chondrocytes did not vary with age in either genotype, but proliferative phase duration increased significantly (approximately 67%) with age in the long ear mice, whereas no change was detected in the short ear mice. The number of hypertrophic chondrocytes increased significantly (approximately 27%) in the short ears, whereas this number decreased significantly (approximately 40%) in the long ears. There was a small, but significant, increase in hypertrophic phase duration (approximately 45%) in short ear mice, but no change was detected in the long ears. These results indicate that BMP-5 deficiency prevents age-related decelerations in chondrocytic proliferation and initiation of hypertrophic differentiation, suggesting a role of BMP-5 in inhibiting these processes.[1]


  1. BMP-5 deficiency alters chondrocytic activity in the mouse proximal tibial growth plate. Bailón-Plaza, A., Lee, A.O., Veson, E.C., Farnum, C.E., van der Meulen, M.C. Bone (1999) [Pubmed]
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