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Disease relevance of Chondrocytes


Psychiatry related information on Chondrocytes


High impact information on Chondrocytes


Chemical compound and disease context of Chondrocytes


Biological context of Chondrocytes


Anatomical context of Chondrocytes


Associations of Chondrocytes with chemical compounds


Gene context of Chondrocytes

  • Because Osx null preosteoblasts express typical chondrocyte marker genes, we propose that Runx2/Cbfa1-expressing preosteoblasts are still bipotential cells [28].
  • Here, Sox9 is identified as a regulator of the chondrocyte lineage [29].
  • In Hspg2-/- cartilage, proliferation of chondrocytes was reduced and the prehypertrophic zone was diminished [30].
  • Analysis of PTHrP (-/-) mutant mice indicated that the PTHrP protein signals to its receptor in the prehypertrophic chondrocytes, thereby blocking hypertrophic differentiation [31].
  • Misexpression of Ihh prevents proliferating chondrocytes from initiating the hypertrophic differentiation process [31].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Chondrocytes


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