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Disease relevance of Deceleration


High impact information on Deceleration


Biological context of Deceleration


Anatomical context of Deceleration

  • However, GGT activity in term infants with a history of perinatal events suggestive of stress (meconium passage in utero, fetal decelerations, tight nuchal cord, or difficult delivery) was significantly higher than in term infants without such perinatal history [14].
  • V-shaped decelerations were sometimes found in the NST recordings of normal fetuses accompanied by fetal movements, but the incidence of this type of deceleration tended to decrease as the subjects reached full term [15].

Associations of Deceleration with chemical compounds


Gene context of Deceleration

  • RESULTS: Severe variable decelerations, when classified as categorical events (> or = 1/h to 2/h, > or = 2/h to < 4/h, > or = 4/h), were more frequent in the amniotomy group (chi2 for trend = 5.7, P = 0.017) [20].
  • No PCB bradycardia occurred if there were no pre-PCB FHR decelerations (92 per cent accuracy) [21].
  • The abnormal finding of women with nonperiodic fetal heart rate decelerations at 20 to 28 weeks may detect the fetus at risk for intrauterine death in pregnancies complicated by systemic lupus erythematosus or circulating anticoagulant [22].
  • A P-R shortening was identified also with all decelerations of more than 40 bpm from the baseline, resulting in a negative PR-RR relationship [23].
  • In all circumstances, monitoring of the fetus with PROM is essential, with a nonstress test performed every other day to assess variable decelerations or a daily biophysical profile performed, as previously recommended [24].


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