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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Bivalent cholera and typhoid vaccine.

The live attenuated vaccine strains Vibrio cholerae CVD 103-HgR and Salmonella typhi Ty21a can be combined into an oral bivalent vaccine without compromising the immunogenicity of the individual vaccine strains. Seroconversion rates of 87 to 94% for Inaba vibriocidal antibodies and 72 to 91% for anti-S. typhi lipopolysaccharide antibodies (IgG or IgA) were reported in healthy European volunteers receiving a bivalent CVD 103-HgR/Ty21a vaccine-based schedule (bivalent vaccine on day 1 and monovalent Ty21a vaccine on days 3 and 5). The immunogenicity of bivalent CVD 103-HgR/Ty21a vaccine is not adversely affected by concomitant administration of mefloquine, yellow fever vaccine or oral polio vaccine. Chloroquine may reduce the immunogenicity of the CVD 103-HgR component and proguanil may reduce the immunogenicity of the Ty21a component. Bivalent CVD 103-HgR/Ty21a vaccine does not adversely affect the immunogenicity of the yellow fever YF 17D vaccine. The type, incidence and severity of adverse events seen in individuals receiving bivalent CVD 103-HgR/Ty21a vaccine-based schedules are similar to those that occur with the monovalent vaccines.[1]


  1. Bivalent cholera and typhoid vaccine. Foster, R.H., Noble, S. Drugs (1999) [Pubmed]
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