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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities of the latex containing triterpenes from Himatanthus sucuuba.

Some triterpenes and iridoids were previously isolated from the stem bark of Himatanthus sucuuba. The latex from Himatanthus sucuuba is used in popular amazonian medicine as an anti-inflammatory remedy. Fractions of the latex were pharmacologically evaluated with a view to verify this popular use in the carrageenan-induced rat paw edema and in the acetic acid-induced mouse constriction tests. The hexane fraction inhibited the edema formation by 35.9% at a dose of 200 mg/kg (p.o.) but no activity was observed at 100 mg/kg (p.o.). The triterpenes present in the hexane fraction were identified as lupeol acetate, alpha-amyrin and lupeol cinnamates. The fraction containing only cinnamates inhibited the edema and the abdominal constrictions by 50-40% and 57.9%, respectively, at 100 mg/kg (p.o.). Among all the fractions studied, the fraction containing only cinnamates showed the greatest anti-inflammatory activity which suggests that these compounds were responsible for the previously described activity of the crude extract.[1]


  1. Anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities of the latex containing triterpenes from Himatanthus sucuuba. de Miranda, A.L., Silva, J.R., Rezende, C.M., Neves, J.S., Parrini, S.C., Pinheiro, M.L., Cordeiro, M.C., Tamborini, E., Pinto, A.C. Planta Med. (2000) [Pubmed]
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