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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

The I kappa B kinase (IKK) complex is tripartite and contains IKK gamma but not IKAP as a regular component.

A critical step in the activation of NF-kappa B is the phosphorylation of I kappa Bs by the I kappa B kinase (IKK) complex. IKK alpha and IKK beta are the two catalytic subunits of the IKK complex and two additional molecules, IKK gamma/NEMO and IKAP, have been described as further integral members. We have analyzed the function of both proteins for IKK complex composition and NF-kappa B signaling. IKAP and IKK gamma belong to distinct cellular complexes. Quantitative association of IKK gamma was observed with IKK alpha and IKK beta. In contrast IKAP was complexed with several distinct polypeptides. Overexpression of either IKK gamma or IKAP blocked tumor necrosis factor alpha induction of an NF-kappa B-dependent reporter construct, but IKAP in addition affected several NF-kappa B-independent promoters. Whereas specific down-regulation of IKK gamma protein levels by antisense oligonucleotides significantly reduced cytokine- mediated activation of the IKK complex and subsequent NF-kappa B activation, a similar reduction of IKAP protein levels had no effect on NF-kappa B signaling. Using solely IKK alpha, IKK beta, and IKK gamma, we could reconstitute a complex whose apparent molecular weight is comparable to that of the endogenous IKK complex. We conclude that while IKK gamma is a stoichiometric component of the IKK complex, obligatory for NF-kappa B signaling, IKAP is not associated with IKKs and plays no specific role in cytokine- induced NF-kappa B activation.[1]


  1. The I kappa B kinase (IKK) complex is tripartite and contains IKK gamma but not IKAP as a regular component. Krappmann, D., Hatada, E.N., Tegethoff, S., Li, J., Klippel, A., Giese, K., Baeuerle, P.A., Scheidereit, C. J. Biol. Chem. (2000) [Pubmed]
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