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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Immunocytochemical detection of the homeobox B3, B4, and C6 gene products within the human thymic cellular microenvironment.

The homeobox (HOX) was originally described as a conserved DNA motif of about 180 base pairs. The protein domain encoded by the homeobox, the homeodomain, is thus about 60 amino acids long. The homeodomain is a DNA-binding domain, and many homeobox genes have now been shown to bind to DNA and regulate the transcription of other genes. Thus homeodomain proteins are basically transcription factors, most of which play a role in development. The homeobox genes seem to represent another class of oncofetal antigens involved in both normal development and carcinogenesis, as well as tumor progression. The expression pattern of three homeobox gene products (HOX-B3, HOX-B4, and HOX-C6) was examined immunocytochemically in human thymuses of different ages and developmental stages (prenatal: 16 weeks and postnatal: 3 years, 5 years, and 21 years) employing an indirect alkaline phosphatase conjugated antigen detection technique on formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections. The immunoreactivity was located in the thymic RE cellular network (cortical and medullar), showing different intensity (+3 to +4 or 50% to 90% and over 90% in the prenatal thymic tissue and +2 to +3 or 50% to 90% during the three different postnatal stages). Intense expression was identified in the thymic medulla, including very strong immunoreactivity in the immigrating, committed hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) present within the interlobular connective tissue (ICT). Strong presence of the HOX-B3 and HOX-B4 proteins was detected in the thymic Hassall's bodies (HBs), suggesting an intensive functional activity of the RE cells present within these unique formations within the thymic medulla. The precise role of these and other HOX gene products in the various steps of intrathymic T lymphopoieis should be elucidated through further basic molecular biological research.[1]


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