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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Predator odour and its impact on male fertility and reproduction in Phodopus campbelli hamsters.

This study investigated the influence of cat urine odour in suppressing development and fertility in Campbell's hamster males. Exposure to this odour from postnatal day 11 until day 45 (sexual maturation) resulted in reduced sex organ weights, reduced testosterone levels and in an increase in abnormalities of the synaptonemal complex in both sex chromosomes and autosomes. Subsequent breeding experiments revealed a significant decrease in litter size. All these data indicate a severe effect of predator odour on the breeding success of potential prey species. It is assumed that these effects are caused by the sulphurous compounds in the urine; however, the underlying mechanisms are not yet known.[1]


  1. Predator odour and its impact on male fertility and reproduction in Phodopus campbelli hamsters. Vasilieva, N.Y., Cherepanova, E.V., von Holst, D., Apfelbach, R. Naturwissenschaften (2000) [Pubmed]
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