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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Efficacy of diclazuril in comparison with chemical and ionophorous anticoccidials against Eimeria spp. in broiler chickens in floor pens.

Two 42-d floor pen studies were conducted with commercial broiler chickens to measure the efficacy of 1 ppm diclazuril in the starter or grower diet in shuttle programs with 66 ppm salinomycin. Study 1 compared a salinomycin to diclazuril (starter to grower diet) shuttle treatment with salinomycin to salinomycin, salinomycin to 100 ppm monensin, salinomycin to 99.8 ppm lasalocid, and unmedicated treatments. Study 2 compared a diclazuril to salinomycin (starter to grower) shuttle treatment with 125 ppm nicarbazin to salinomycin, 79.2 ppm narasin + nicarbazin to salinomycin, 125 ppm zoalene to salinomycin, and unmedicated treatments. Fifty 1-d-old chicks were randomly allotted to each of 10 pens per treatment in each study using a randomized complete block design. Starter (Days 0 to 21) and grower (Days 22 to 37) diets in each study contained 55 ppm bacitracin methylene disalicylate. The finisher diet (Days 38 to 42) in each study was unmedicated. Birds were inoculated via their feed on Day 22 (Study 1) or Day 15 (Study 2) with a mixed inoculum of Eimeria acervulina, Eimeria maxima, and Eimeria tenella. Four birds per pen (two male and two female) were randomly selected in each study for coccidial lesion scores on Day 6 postinoculation. These studies demonstrated that the use of 1 ppm diclazuril in shuttle programs was highly efficacious against a mixed inoculum of Eimeria spp. in comparison with nicarbazin, narasin + nicarbazin, and zoalene in starter diets and salinomycin, monensin, and lasalocid in grower diets.[1]


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