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Trauma-induced coagulopathy and treatment in Kosovo.

The 67th Combat Support Hospital at Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo, treated victims of trauma on an almost daily basis at the beginning of U.S. peacekeeping efforts in the region. Military health care personnel must respond quickly and efficiently when confronted with patient wounds resulting in massive blood losses. The limited medical resources of a field hospital often complicate efforts to treat the most severe injuries. One such case involved a young farmer riddled with gunshot wounds. Early volume/blood resuscitation before, during, and after surgery led to a massive blood coagulopathy. This case study describes the actions the physicians and nurses initiated to save this victim of violence. The subsequent discussion delineates methods to reduce intraoperative blood losses, blood transfusion alternatives, and technological advances in trauma resuscitation.[1]


  1. Trauma-induced coagulopathy and treatment in Kosovo. O'Sullivan, J., O'Sullivan, M. Military medicine. (2001) [Pubmed]
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