MeSH Review:
- Mental health care for refugees from Kosovo: the experience of Médecins Sans Frontières. de Jong, K., Ford, N., Kleber, R. Lancet (1999)
- Mental health and nutritional status among the adult Serbian minority in Kosovo. Salama, P., Spiegel, P., Van Dyke, M., Phelps, L., Wilkinson, C. JAMA (2000)
- Hyperproduction of erythropoietin in nonanemic lead-exposed children. Factor-Litvak, P., Slavkovich, V., Liu, X., Popovac, D., Preteni, E., Capuni-Paracka, S., Hadzialjevic, S., Lekic, V., LoIacono, N., Kline, J., Graziano, J. Environ. Health Perspect. (1998)
- Balkan briefing (Part 4). Kosovo refugees in the North West region of the United Kingdom. Sram, I., Ward, D. Journal of epidemiology and community health. (2000)
- International nephrological assistance to Kosovo refugees. European Branch of the Task Force. Lameire, N. Nephrol. Dial. Transplant. (1999)
- Uranium contents and (235)U/(238)U atom ratios in soil and earthworms in western Kosovo after the 1999 war. Di Lella, L.A., Nannoni, F., Protano, G., Riccobono, F. Sci. Total Environ. (2005)
- Mental health status among ethnic Albanians seeking medical care in an emergency department two years after the war in Kosovo: a pilot project. Fernandez, W.G., Galea, S., Ahern, J., Sisco, S., Waldman, R.J., Koci, B., Vlahov, D. Annals of emergency medicine. (2004)
- Post-war Kosovo: Part 2. Assessment of emergency medicine leadership development strategy. Eliades, M.J., Lis, J., Barbosa, J., VanRooyen, M.J. Prehospital and disaster medicine : the official journal of the National Association of EMS Physicians and the World Association for Emergency and Disaster Medicine in association with the Acute Care Foundation. (2001)
- Radioecological survey at selected sites hit by depleted uranium ammunitions during the 1999 Kosovo conflict. Sansone, U., Danesi, P.R., Barbizzi, S., Belli, M., Campbell, M., Gaudino, S., Jia, G., Ocone, R., Pati, A., Rosamilia, S., Stellato, L. Sci. Total Environ. (2001)
- Atrazine in groundwater of Vojvodina Province. Pucarević, M., Sovljanski, R., Lazić, S., Marjanović, N. Water Res. (2002)
- Challenge of Goodness II: new humanitarian technology, developed in croatia and bosnia and Herzegovina in 1991-1995, and applied and evaluated in Kosovo 1999. Lang, S. Croat. Med. J. (1999)
- Analysis of air quality observations with the aid of the source-receptor relationship approach. Astitha, M., Kallos, G., Mihalopoulos, N. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association (1995) (2005)
- Population genetics of the 15 AmpF lSTR Identifiler loci in Kosovo Albanians. Kubat, M., Skavić, J., Behluli, I., Nuraj, B., Bekteshi, T., Behluli, M., Klarić, I.M., Pericić, M. Int. J. Legal Med. (2004)
- Depleted uranium--the growing concern. Abu-Qare, A.W., Abou-Donia, M.B. Journal of applied toxicology : JAT. (2002)
- Life Support for Trauma and Transport: first field use. Hudson, T., Grimes, S. Military medicine. (2002)
- British doctors in Kosovo appeal for NHS help. Weaver, K. BMJ (1999)
- Surviving the lethal triad of trauma: a case from Kosovo. Guy, R.J., Edwards, P.D., Fichtner, K.A. Journal of the Royal Naval Medical Service. (2003)