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Chemical Compound Review

Maxforce     N-[[(1E,4E)-1,5-bis[4- (trifluoromethyl)phe...

Synonyms: Wipeout, Combat, Amdro, HYDRAMETHYLNON, CHEMBL464812, ...
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Disease relevance of Combat

  • RESULTS: Combat experiences explained a small proportion (0.7-8.4%) of the variance in the report of hypertension, respiratory conditions, persistent skin conditions, gastrointestinal disorders, joint disorders, and hearing problems [1].
  • BACKGROUND: Combat rations have long been suspected to affect the bowel habits of deployed soldiers by causing significant constipation [2].
  • SETTING: Combat Support Hospital, Operation Iraqi Freedom. PATIENTS: Twenty-three blast injury patients with bronchoscopic evidence of secondary airway injury [3].
  • This article analyzes the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Action Plan to Combat Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis, with particular focus on the moral dimensions of mandatory directly observed treatment (DOT) and involuntary quarantine [4].
  • Overuse injuries account for the majority of lost duty time profiles for soldiers attending Advanced Individual Training (AIT) to become a Combat Medic at Ft [5].

Psychiatry related information on Combat

  • RESULTS: Combat veterans with PTSD suppressed cortisol to a greater extent than did combat veterans without PTSD and normal controls in response to both doses of dexamethasone [6].
  • Psychometrics included the Wender Utah Rating Scale for symptoms of childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and the Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test. Veterans also completed the Combat Exposure Scale and subtests of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised [7].
  • This study examined seasonal differences in injury incidence during US Army Basic Combat Training, where physical activity was similar at all times of the year [8].
  • CONCLUSIONS: Combat duty in Iraq was associated with high utilization of mental health services and attrition from military service after deployment [9].
  • The subjects completed a Combat Experiences Questionnaire, a PTSD Symptom Scale, the MMPI, and the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire (MPQ) [10].

High impact information on Combat

  • RESULTS: Combat veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder showed significant P300 amplitude enhancements at frontal sites in response to distracting stimuli during the novelty but not during the three-tone oddball tasks [11].
  • The same amount of penicillin given 7 days after replating did not prevent the occurrence of the first expected wipeout, but there was a long period of inclusion-free L cell growth between the first wipeout and the second [12].
  • United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification [13].
  • The scale correlated significantly with the Clinician Administered PTSD Scale, the Mississippi Scale for Combat-related PTSD, the MMPI PTSD subscale and the Impact of Event Scale [14].
  • The methodology, which requires the development of a plankton community index and emphasizes the importance of primary production as an indicator of vigour, can be harmonized with the EU Water Framework Directive and OSPAR's Strategy to Combat Eutrophication [15].

Chemical compound and disease context of Combat


Biological context of Combat

  • Seasonal variations in injury rates during US Army Basic Combat Training [8].
  • We agree with UNEP that there are potentially important synergies to be made between the Convention on Climate Change, the UN Convention to Combat Desertification and the UN Convention on Biodiversity [19].
  • While wearing Combat clothing, greater decreases in rectal temperature (Tre), mean skin temperature (Tsk), and heart rate were observed for both acclimation groups [20].
  • A total of 35 eyes (13.8%) showed a loss of visual acuity after 6 months amounting to 2 or more Snellen lines, caused mainly by lens opacification, hypotony maculopathy, and "wipeout" (loss of the central visual field in the absence of another explanation) [21].
  • The purpose of this study was to compare cardiovascular responses of subjects exposed to long-duration positive pressure breathing (PPB) while wearing a standard (Combat Edge; CE) vs. extended coverage (Tactical Life Support System; TLSS) G-suit [22].

Associations of Combat with other chemical compounds

  • For the IPM group, cockroaches were flushed and vacuumed at the beginning of the study; sticky traps were placed in all apartments to monitor and reduce cockroach numbers; educational materials were delivered to the residents; and Maxforce FC Select and Maxforce Roach Killer Bait Gel were applied to kill cockroaches [23].
  • Attractiveness to B. germanica ranked 'Goliath' gel higher than 'Avert', 'Drax' and 'Maxforce' gels, whether or not the active ingredient fipronil was present in 'Goliath' gel [24].

Gene context of Combat

  • Feeding stimulation ranked 'Avert' and 'Maxforce' gels higher than 'Goliath' gel, and 'Drax' gel was inferior [24].
  • The Penk Combat Exposure scale did not separate the groups [25].
  • The 67th Combat Support Hospital at Camp Bondsteel, Kosovo, treated victims of trauma on an almost daily basis at the beginning of U.S. peacekeeping efforts in the region [26].
  • The probability of receiving a Purple Heart, Bronze Star, Commendation Medal and Combat Infantry Badge is associated strongly with the combat exposure index [27].
  • High HA and high NS scores were predictive of increased PTSD symptom severity as assessed by the MMPI-2 PK (PTSD)scale, Mississippi Combat Scale for PTSD (M-PTSD), and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) [28].

Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Combat

  • RESULTS: In the Combat versus General Negative comparison, the non-PTSD group exhibited significant fMRI blood oxygenation level-dependent signal increases in rostral anterior cingulate cortex, but the PTSD group did not [29].
  • METHODS: A retrospective review of the 31st Combat Support Hospital damage-control laparotomy database, under an Institutional Review Board-approved protocol, revealed 28 patients with severe multisystem penetrating pelvic injuries [30].
  • "Don't just do something, stand there!": to teach or not to teach, that is the question--intravenous fluid resuscitation training for Combat Lifesavers [31].
  • Rural and urban groups were compared on health service utilization indices (PTSD, primary and specialty care clinic visits), the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2, the Mississippi Combat PTSD Scale, the Beck Depression Inventory, and the Dissociative Experiences Scale [32].
  • OBJECTIVE: The objective was to examine the safety and efficacy of the 48th Combat Support Hospital's use of diagnostic endoscopy in Afghanistan [33].


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