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Studies on catalytic properties of purified high molecular weight pancreatic lipase.

The properties of the 500-fold purified high-molecular-weight lipase have been studied. The rate of hydrolysis of the triglycerides decreases with increasing fatty acid chain length. The lipolytic activity also increases with increase in unsaturation in the fatty acyl moiety. Diglycerides are hydrolyzed at more than twice the rate for triglycerides while monoglycerides are not hydrolyzed. Methyl esters are generally hydrolyzed at a higher rate which increases with increasing chain length of the fatty acid but the enzyme does not act on phospholipids. Emulsifying agents such as Tween 20, gum arabic, and albumin increase the rate of hydrolysis. Metal ions such as Hg2+, Zn2+, Cu2+, and Fe2+ strongly inhibit the lipolytic activity of the high-molecular-weight lipase while Ca2+ or Mg2+ by themselves show no stimulating effect. Treatment of the high-molecular-weight lipase with P-chloromercurybenzoate inhibits hydrolytic activity by 70% while iodoacetic acid has no effect.[1]


  1. Studies on catalytic properties of purified high molecular weight pancreatic lipase. Yip, Y.K., Ramachandran, S., Wagle, S.R. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. (1975) [Pubmed]
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