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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

A new type-II NADH dehydrogenase from the archaeon Acidianus ambivalens: characterization and in vitro reconstitution of the respiratory chain.

A new type-II NADH dehydrogenase (NDH-II) was isolated from the hyperthermoacidophilic archaeon Acidianus ambivalens. This enzyme is a monomer with an apparent molecular mass of 47 kDa, containing a covalently bound flavin, and no iron-sulfur clusters. Upon isolation, NDH-II loses activity, which can, nevertheless, be restored by incubation with phospholipids. Catalytically, it is a proficient NADH:caldariella quinone oxidoreductase (130 mmol NADH oxidized/mg protein(-1)/min(-1)) but it can also donate electrons to synthetic quinones, strongly suggesting its involvement in the respiratory chain. The apparent Km for NADH was found to be approximately 6 microM, both for the purified and membrane-integrated enzyme, thus showing that detergent solubilization and purification did not affect the substrate binding site. Further, it is the first example of a type-II NADH dehydrogenase that contains the flavin covalently attached, which may be related to the need to stabilize the otherwise labile cofactor in a thermophilic environment. A fully operative minimal version of Acidianus ambivalens respiratory system was successfully reconstituted into artificial liposomes, using three basic components isolated from the organism: the type-II NADH dehydrogenase, caldariella quinone, the organism-specific quinone, and the aa3 type quinol oxidase. This system, which mimics the in vivo chain, is efficiently energized by NADH, driving oxygen consumption by means of the terminal oxidase.[1]


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