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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Binding of isolated plant lectin by rhizobia during episodes of reduced gravity obtained by parabolic flight.

Development of a legume root nodule is a complex process culminating in a plant/bacterial symbiosis possessing the capacity for biological dinitrogen fixation. Formation of root nodules is initiated by the binding and stabilization of rhizobia to plant root hairs, mediated in part by a receptor/ligand recognition system composed of lectins on the plant root surface and lectin-binding sites on the rhizobial cell surface. The dinitrogen fixation activity of these root nodules may be an important feature of enclosed, space-based life support systems, and may provide an ecological method to recycle nitrogen for amino acid production. However, the effects on nodule development of varied gravitational fields, or of root nutrient delivery hardware, remain unknown. We have investigated the effects of microgravity on root nodule formation, with preliminary experiments focused upon the receptor/ligand component. Microgravity, obtained during parabolic flight aboard NASA 930, has no apparent effect on the binding of purified lectin to rhizobia, a result that will facilitate forthcoming experiments using intact root tissues.[1]


  1. Binding of isolated plant lectin by rhizobia during episodes of reduced gravity obtained by parabolic flight. Henry, R.L., Green, P.D., Wong, P.P., Guikema, J.A. Plant Physiol. (1990) [Pubmed]
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