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Life Support Systems

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Disease relevance of Life Support Systems

  • A Life Support Systems, Inc. Mark VII portable cooling system and a liquid cooling helmet were used to cool the head and neck regions of 24 female and 26 male patients with multiple sclerosis in this study [1].

High impact information on Life Support Systems

  • Care of the cancer patient has become fractionated toward maintaining the physiological integrity of the patient's life support systems, e.g., the hematopoietic or neurological systems [2].
  • The dinitrogen fixation activity of these root nodules may be an important feature of enclosed, space-based life support systems, and may provide an ecological method to recycle nitrogen for amino acid production [3].
  • Raffinose and stachyose were compared to cooked California Small White beans (CSW) containing 4% alpha-oligosaccharides (stachyose and raffinose) and to oligosaccharide-free CSW solids (residue from hexane and 70% ethanol extraction of CSW) as sources of hydrogen when ingested by rats maintained in life support systems [4].
  • Complications of extracorporeal life support systems using heparin-bound surfaces. The risk of intracardiac clot formation [5].
  • It is therefore essential to start development now to ensure that the life support system is ready when development of Moon or Mars bases begins [6].

Biological context of Life Support Systems


Associations of Life Support Systems with chemical compounds


Gene context of Life Support Systems

  • However, for long-duration missions to distant destinations, such as exploratory missions to Mars, biological life support systems (BLSSs) may be needed to convert local CO2 and H2O to O2, and to food [17].
  • NASA-Johnson Space Center is designing and building a habitat (Bioregenerative Planetary Life Support Systems Test Complex, BIO-Plex) intended for evaluating advanced life support systems developed for long-duration missions to the Moon or Mars where all consumables will be recycled and reused [18].
  • A Life Support Systems, Inc. Mark VII portable cooling system and a liquid cooling helmet were used to cool the head and neck regions of 12 female and 12 male subjects (25-55 yr) in this study [19].
  • Concerning the support of human life in closed habitat, we can, conventionally, divide microorganisms, acting in life support system (LSS) into three groups: useful, neutral and harmful [20].
  • These additional needs include those of aircrew automated escape system (AAES) and aircrew life support system (ALSS) acquisition personnel who formulate, design, and test requirements, and AAES and ALSS designers and manufacturers who need to know how well and under what conditions of use their equipment is performing [21].


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  2. Continuing care of the cancer patient as a social engineering problem. Walter, N.T. Cancer Res. (1979) [Pubmed]
  3. Binding of isolated plant lectin by rhizobia during episodes of reduced gravity obtained by parabolic flight. Henry, R.L., Green, P.D., Wong, P.P., Guikema, J.A. Plant Physiol. (1990) [Pubmed]
  4. Hydrogen production in the rat following ingestion of raffinose, stachyose and oligosaccharide-free bean residue. Wagner, J.R., Becker, R., Gumbmann, M.R., Olson, A.C. J. Nutr. (1976) [Pubmed]
  5. Complications of extracorporeal life support systems using heparin-bound surfaces. The risk of intracardiac clot formation. Muehrcke, D.D., McCarthy, P.M., Stewart, R.W., Seshagiri, S., Ogella, D.A., Foster, R.C., Cosgrove, D.M. J. Thorac. Cardiovasc. Surg. (1995) [Pubmed]
  6. Implementation of biological elements in life support systems: rationale and development milestones. Tamponnet, C., Kratschmann, C., Hurtl, H., Sacher, R., Ramdi, H., Lievremont, M. ESA bulletin. Bulletin ASE. European Space Agency. (1993) [Pubmed]
  7. Interaction of physical-chemical and biological regeneration processes in ecological Life Support Systems. Rygalov VYe, n.u.l.l., Kovrov, B.G., Denisov, G.S. Advances in space research : the official journal of the Committee on Space Research (COSPAR). (1997) [Pubmed]
  8. Potential and benefits of closed loop ECLS systems on the ISS. Raatschen, W., Preiss, H. Acta astronautica. (2001) [Pubmed]
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  18. Quantification and characterization of volatiles evolved during extrusion of rice and soy flours. Vodovotz, Y., Zasypkin, D., Lertsiriyothin, W., Lee, T.C., Bourland, C.T. Biotechnol. Prog. (2000) [Pubmed]
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