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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Methadone effects on brain functioning and type A and B CNV shapes.

Twelve male outpatients participating in a methadone maintenance treatment program were evaluated for the effects of acute administration of methadone on brain functioning (contingent negative variation or CNV), attention performance (reaction time and continuous performance test), and psychophysiological activity (heart rate and eye blink rate). Individual differences in response to methadone were assessed by classifying patients into two groups on the basis of basal CNV shapes: Type A (quick rise time) and type B (slow rise time). Methadone produced a pattern of increased electrical brain activity (CNV) and enhanced attention performance in type B patients and elevated heart rate and lowered eye blink rate in type A subjects. Results are interpreted in terms of the distraction-arousal and the eye blink-hedonia hypotheses.[1]


  1. Methadone effects on brain functioning and type A and B CNV shapes. Tecce, J.J., Cole, J.O., Mayer, J., Lewis, D.C. Psychopharmacology (Berl.) (1979) [Pubmed]
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