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Strategies to optimize reproductive efficiency by regulation of ovarian function.

Pregnancy rate to the Ovsynch protocol can be improved if cows are presynchronized (i.e., two PGF(2alpha) injections given 14 days apart and the second injection of PGF(2alpha) given 12 days prior to the first GnRH of the Ovsynch program) so that a greater proportion of cows during the Ovsynch protocol ovulate to the first GnRH injection and have a CL at PGF(2alpha) injection. Pregnancy rates were normal in anestrous cows (39.6%) if they ovulated to both injections of GnRH. Estradiol cypionate (ECP) can be used to replace GnRH to induce ovulation as a modification of the Presync-Ovsynch program (i.e., Presync-Heatsynch). Pregnancy rates after TI were 37.1+/-5.8% for Presync-Ovsynch compared to 35.1+5.0% for Presync-Heatsynch. Use of ECP to induce ovulation was an alternative to GnRH in which greater uterine tone, ease of insemination and occurrence of estrus, improved acceptance by inseminators. A GnRH agonist (Deslorelin; 750 microg) implant inserted at 48 h after injection of PGF(2alpha), as a component of the Ovsynch protocol, induced ovulation, development of a normal CL and delayed follicular growth until 24 d after implant insertion. Utilization of Deslorelin implants (450 microg and 750 microg) to induce ovulation compared to GnRH (100 microg) within the Ovsynch protocol resulted in 27 d pregnancy rates (GnRH 100 microg, 39%; Deslorelin implants 450 microg, 40% and 750 microg, 27.5%) with 12.7%, 5.0% and 9.5% embryonic losses by 41 d of pregnancy, respectively. Induction of an accessory CL with injection of hCG on day 5 after insemination improved conception rates by 7.1%. Bovine somatotrophin injected at first insemination following a Presync-Ovsynch program in cycling-lactating dairy cows increased 74 days pregnancy rates (57.1%>42.6%).[1]


  1. Strategies to optimize reproductive efficiency by regulation of ovarian function. Thatcher, W.W., Moreira, F., Pancarci, S.M., Bartolome, J.A., Santos, J.E. Domest. Anim. Endocrinol. (2002) [Pubmed]
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