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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

CD19-CD21 complex regulates an intrinsic Src family kinase amplification loop that links innate immunity with B-lymphocyte intracellular calcium responses.

CD19 is a B-lymphocyte cell surface molecule that functions as a general response regulator or rheostat, which defines intrinsic and B-cell antigen receptor-induced signalling thresholds that are critical for humoral immunity and expansion of the peripheral B-cell pool. In addition, B-cell responses are influenced by signals transduced through a CD19-CD21 cell surface receptor complex, where the binding of complement C3d to CD21 links humoral immune responses with the innate immune system. This review outlines recent biochemical and genetic studies that characterize the signal transduction pathways utilized by this receptor complex to regulate B-cell intracellular calcium responses.[1]


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