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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

The Drosophila female sterile mutation twin peaks is a novel allele of tramtrack and reveals a requirement for Ttk69 in epithelial morphogenesis.

The Drosophila gene tramtrack (ttk) encodes two transcriptional repressors, Ttk69 and Ttk88, which are required for normal embryogenesis and imaginal disc development. Here, we characterize a novel female sterile allele of tramtrack called twin peaks (ttk(twk)) that, unlike othertramtrack alleles, has no effect on viability and produces no obvious morphological defects, except during oogenesis. Females homozygous for twin peaks produce small eggs with thin eggshells and short dorsal respiratory appendages. Complementation analyses, immunolocalization, and rescue data demonstrate that these defects are due to loss of Ttk69, which is expressed in the follicle cells and is required for normal chorion production and dorsal follicle-cell migration. Analyses of phenotypes produced by mutations in other loci that regulate eggshell synthesis suggest that the chorion production and follicle-cell migration defects are independent. We present evidence that twin peaks disrupts a promoter or promoters required for late-stage follicle-cell expression of Ttk69. We hypothesize that loss of Ttk69 in all follicle cells disrupts chorion gene expression and lack of function in dorsal anterior follicle cells inhibits morphogenetic changes required for elongating the dorsal appendages.[1]


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