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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Localization and interaction of NHERF isoforms in the renal proximal tubule of the mouse.

In expression systems and in yeast, Na/H exchanger regulatory factor (NHERF)-1 and NHERF-2 have been demonstrated to interact with the renal brush border membrane proteins NHE3 and Npt2. In renal tissue of mice, however, NHERF-1 is required for cAMP regulation of NHE3 and for the apical targeting of Npt2 despite the presence of NHERF-2, suggesting another order of specificity. The present studies examine the subcellular location of NHERF-1 and NHERF-2 and their interactions with target proteins including NHE3, Npt2, and ezrin. The wild-type mouse proximal tubule expresses both NHERF-1 and NHERF-2 in a distinct pattern. NHERF-1 is strongly expressed in microvilli in association with NHE3, Npt2, and ezrin. Although NHERF-2 can be detected weakly in the microvilli, it is expressed predominantly at the base of the microvilli in the vesicle-rich domain. NHERF-2 appears to associate directly with ezrin and NHE3 but not Npt2. NHERF-1 is involved in the apical expression of Npt2 and the presence of other Npt2- binding proteins does not compensate totally for the absence of NHERF-1 in NHERF-1-null mice. Although NHERF-1 links NHE3 to the actin cytoskeleton through ezrin, the absence of NHERF-1 does not result in a generalized disruption of the architecture of the cell. Thus the mistargeting of Npt2 seen in NHERF-1-null mice likely represents a specific disruption of pathways mediated by NHERF-1 to achieve targeting of Npt2. These findings suggest that the organized subcellular distribution of the NHERF isoforms may play a role in the specific interactions mediating physiological control of transporter function.[1]


  1. Localization and interaction of NHERF isoforms in the renal proximal tubule of the mouse. Wade, J.B., Liu, J., Coleman, R.A., Cunningham, R., Steplock, D.A., Lee-Kwon, W., Pallone, T.L., Shenolikar, S., Weinman, E.J. Am. J. Physiol., Cell Physiol. (2003) [Pubmed]
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