The world's first wiki where authorship really matters (Nature Genetics, 2008). Due credit and reputation for authors. Imagine a global collaborative knowledge base for original thoughts. Search thousands of articles and collaborate with scientists around the globe.

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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Cyclin B is associated with centrosomes in Drosophila mitotic cells.

We have studied by way of confocal laser scanning microscopy the subcellular localization of cyclin B in Drosophila-cultured cells and report here evidence that a part of the cyclin B cell pool is closely associated with the centrosome. This cyclin B centrosomal signal is strong in prophase and metaphase but disappears during anaphase. Moreover, the signal is absent in the acentriolar Drosophila cell line 1182-4. These results put forward additional arguments suggesting that the centrosome plays an important role in the control of the cell cycle.[1]


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