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Disease relevance of Prophase


High impact information on Prophase


Biological context of Prophase


Anatomical context of Prophase


Associations of Prophase with chemical compounds

  • A mutant cyclin B1 in which S133 and S147 are replaced by alanines remains in the cytoplasm, whereas wild-type cyclin B1 accumulates in the nucleus during prophase [14].
  • The cytoplasmic distribution of the antigen was also seen in nocodazole-arrested cells and prophase cells in populations treated with taxol [21].
  • Microinjection of a catalytically inactive mutant of X-PAK1 with a K/R substitution in the ATP binding site, also deleted of its Nter-half that contains the conserved domains responsible for binding of both Cdc42/Rac GTPases and SH3-containing proteins, greatly facilitates oocyte release from G2/prophase arrest by progesterone and insulin [22].
  • Prophase-accociated elongation of procentrioles appeared to occur normally in cells treated with cycloheximide for up to 4 h before prophase, though the mitotic index in treated cultures decreased somewhat [23].
  • In contrast, deletion of amino acids 19-68 or 18-61 of the NH2-terminal "head" domain produced proteins that formed extended filaments in the animal hemisphere of the prophase oocyte [24].

Gene context of Prophase


Analytical, diagnostic and therapeutic context of Prophase


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