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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Hypersensitivity to progesterone-in-oil after in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer.

OBJECTIVE: To report the occurrence and management of pulmonary compromise, marked leukocytosis, and eosinophilia in a patient receiving P-in-oil after IVF and embryo transfer. DESIGN: Case report.A tertiary referral reproductive medicine unit. PATIENT(S): A 29-year-old patient receiving P-in-oil supplementation after IVF embryo transfer. INTERVENTION(S): Extensive diagnostic testing and surveillance for hypersensitivity to P in sesame oil; development of an alternative oil-based P-in-oil suspension. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Tolerance of alternative P vehicle; clinical pregnancy. RESULT(S): The patient tolerated an alternative P oil vehicle and successfully achieved a clinical pregnancy after frozen embryo transfer. CONCLUSION(S): Although rare, hypersensitivity reactions may occur in patients receiving P-in-oil supplementation after IVF embryo transfer. Testing for tolerance and subsequent use of alternative P vehicles may be an effective strategy in managing patients with sensitivity to P-in-oil.[1]


  1. Hypersensitivity to progesterone-in-oil after in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer. Phy, J.L., Weiss, W.T., Weiler, C.R., Damario, M.A. Fertil. Steril. (2003) [Pubmed]
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