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Hoffmann, R. A wiki for the life sciences where authorship matters. Nature Genetics (2008)

Nanos and Pumilio are essential for dendrite morphogenesis in Drosophila peripheral neurons.

Much attention has focused on dendritic translational regulation of neuronal signaling and plasticity. For example, long-term memory in adult Drosophila requires Pumilio (Pum), an RNA binding protein that interacts with the RNA binding protein Nanos ( Nos) to form a localized translation repression complex essential for anterior-posterior body patterning in early embryogenesis. Whether dendrite morphogenesis requires similar translational regulation is unknown. Here we report that nos and pum control the elaboration of high-order dendritic branches of class III and IV, but not class I and II, dendritic arborization (da) neurons. Analogous to their function in body patterning, nos and pum require each other to control dendrite morphogenesis, a process likely to involve translational regulation of nos itself. The control of dendrite morphogenesis by Nos/Pum, however, does not require hunchback, which is essential for body patterning. Interestingly, Nos protein is localized to RNA granules in the dendrites of da neurons, raising the possibility that the Nos/Pum translation repression complex operates in dendrites. This work serves as an entry point for future studies of dendritic translational control of dendrite morphogenesis.[1]


  1. Nanos and Pumilio are essential for dendrite morphogenesis in Drosophila peripheral neurons. Ye, B., Petritsch, C., Clark, I.E., Gavis, E.R., Jan, L.Y., Jan, Y.N. Curr. Biol. (2004) [Pubmed]
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